I am here to guide you
About Me
Born in a little town called Starkville, MS and raised in another little town called Maturin, Venezuela.
I always knew my destiny was to live in the US. I felt that I had something to accomplish here, that was even bigger than me. I felt the need to heal myself from limitations, doubts and old baggage that was carried from many lifetimes. I needed to find healing so that I can also help others do the same. Using various therapies and techniques, I can help and guide you in your personal journey.
I know that my mission on Earth in this lifetime is to assist, help and guide others that are in the process of reawakening to their true, unique and beautiful self.
Part of my mission, along with many other starseeds, is to raise the vibration of our beautiful mother Gaia.
I am also here to assist the new generation of star children. As a mother of two young girls, I believe that if we provide our children with the gift of Yoga, Breathing and Mindfulness, we empower them and create a generation of well rounded, compassionate, kind, supportive and conscious human beings.
Much Love & Health,