
Self-Discovery Package

Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $150.00.

A natal chart reading reveals the planets’ precise location when you were born.

It provides insight into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, passions, and motivations.

SKU: SES007 Category:

This package includes:

-An Astrology chart and a reading up to 2 hours via Zoom or in person that will help you understand yourself better. Your challenges, strengths, gifts and path based on how the stars were aligned when you were born.

– Learn  the encrypted codes that are inherited from your family system. Based on your chart, I am able to provide some insights about specific patterns, emotions and traumas that may have been passed down from your mother/father lineage. How to recognize and heal them.


What is the information needed to do my Astrology Chart?

You will need to provide your date of birth, time and place. The most accurate time of birth will be best so that the reading can be more precise.

Where will my private Astrology Birth Chart session take place?

Chart readings are done via Zoom. You will get your recording after the session.

How do I set up the date and time of my session?

You will receive an email from me after payment is made to coordinate the date and time. Chart readings are done via Zoom. You will get your recording after the session.

What are the benefits of having an Astro Chart reading?

  • Self-exploration
  • A desire to comprehend the cycles of your life
  • Relationship dynamics
  • Determining your life path
  • Charting out goals and visions

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